Sunday, July 25, 2010

Max Factor, The Hollywood History Museum and Week 2

The second week has past and it was Great. I learned about bridal, theater, stage, and HD make-up. The theater and stage make-up is put on much darker/stronger and needs to be seen from far away. It's a little harder to create this style, because up close it seems way too "loud". We aren't use to seeing everyone with this "clown" look on a daily basis, so when you are creating these looks, you have to look through a distorted lens.

Part of my homework is to go to museums, see art work and watch movies! Awww... Poor me.

I loved the Hollywood History museum. It had costumes and personal affects from many movies and actors/actress's. It also had a whole floor dedicated to the history of make-up. Max Factor made the first professional movie and television make-up. He also specialized in human hair wigs.
By the 1920's he was a world renowned make-up manufacturer, promising that his make-up could make you look like a movie star.
On the walls of the museum are head shots of actors and actresses from every era. It was a very interesting look at the history of make-up for professional and personal use. Here are a few of my models:

Next week I learn 1800-1900, 1920-30, 1940-50, 1960-1970 and I take my first final!
I'll be back with more pictures....
Hope you all are doing well. Would be great to hear what I've missed since I've been gone.
Drop me a line sometime.
Miss you all!

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